Monday, February 8, 2010

Newest Curse Word: Nor'Easter

all was well in the world until Mother Nature paid us an angry visit on Friday night into Saturday this weekend. Mother Nature came in the form of 28.5 inches of snow at once. turning out to be Philadelphia's 2nd largest snowfall on record.
the abridged version:

we naturally made the best of it. Friday evening brought the first snowflakes, as well as sushi take out (of course) for Rach and I. we strapped on our boots and walked into town to get tickets to Dear John (don't pay to see this) playing at the Anthony Wayne movie theater. we learned the first and second showings were sold out. apparently everyone else on the mainline had the same brilliant idea of going to the movies on a snowy night. Plan B - we bought tickets for the 10pm showing and trekked back to our apartment.
we then learned our beloved 3rd portion, Rebecca, had her little angels sleeping and hubby was going to bed too. i decided to be brave and offer to drive in the snow - the whole 0.8 miles to her house from ours, so that we could hang out on the couch until our movie. we stopped to get her a ticket on the way and all of a sudden had a girls date night underway.
we left the Nadelhoffer couch early with plenty of time in case roads were real bad and it took us a while to drive that full mile into town. my jetta GLi laughs in the face of snow and did quite well with minimal spinning of tires as i proceeded through areas of 6 inches unplowed. looking at the clock when we arrived, it took us a full 4 minutes by car in a snowstorm. what now? we had our baggies of cheez its loaded in our purse and ready to go but 45 minutes to kill before the movie. ...ahhh Christopher's! you know, the neighborhood bar and grill. genious ideas Rebecca has.
around the corner to Christopher's we go!

Saturday: impending doom of boredom if we can't escape our apartment. no worries, the escape came before lunch.
rachel and i got dressed as if we were spending 2 weeks hiking a snowy mountain. our destination was 0.8 miles away but you never know what could happen between there! we packed all the essentials. 2 bottles of wine (not shown), cheez its, and dark chocolate brownie mix.
we arrived in once piece. after 25 minutes in the wilderness of Wayne, PA.
Sunday: day of digging out.

we got an early start at 9am to begin "looking" for our cars. we eventually found them after 45 minutes of shoveling. after about 42 minutes of shoveling a small tractor with a plow from the middle school across the street offered to help. thanks dude, it's 90% done. timing is everything.

arriving home later that evening, what do i discover? oh the jerk in front of me also dug his car out and politely placed the snow in MY AREA. another 20-25 minutes of digging out needed to be done. again. in chronological order...

so this morning i dig out for the 2nd time, thanks to jerk in the parking spot next to me. as i get onto the highway to go to work i realize my entire car is SHAKING. vibrating steering wheel. i have so much snow and ice caked into my wheels, that my balance is now off on the wheels. awesome. the sun better fix that today.

latest update: forecast = NOR'EASTER round II!!

tomorrow evening snow will begin, continuing into Wednesday all day, ending Wednesday evening. potential of 1-2 FEET accumulation. yes, that is correct. in addition to what we have.

my seasonal depression has officially set in. i'm ready to board my flight to Florida in April. tomorrow. i made a phone call to my landlord this morning first thing at 730am requesting a garage parking spot if there are any available. i'm willing to pay for the entire month today, so that i have somewhere to park when i get home. you know what's really cool? when you spend hours digging out and then "jerk next door" takes your nicely shoveled spot that you slaved over sweating profusely and causing your back to ache the next day. enough of that. i'm done. i quit winter.

there may or may not be another update later this week from the desk of "Miss Winter Hater".


  1. I did note a sense of sarcasm throughout the post, is that correct?

    That was funny! You should also be called "Miss Bitter Winter Hater". I liked the picture of your spade, too. Glad you got that back.

  2. i like "Miss Bitter Blizzard"... and i agree, is it April yet? I'd really like my tan back. BUT, being a teacher who did NOT get the storm of the century they were calling for last weekend, I am certainly looking forward to spending my day sipping hot chocolate on the couch with Gus tomorrow!
