Thursday, January 6, 2011

happy little thursday

most people credit Friday with being a favorite day. or even saturday maybe. but i'm just enjoying life, having a happy little thursday. my typical day in the life of adrienne marie went a little something like this...

alarm goes off at 545am and i jump to my feet already thinking about what outfit to plan out. what do i have going on today, what should i wear, what's the weather like. oh wait, i just wore that. can i wear this under a cardigan? is that cami tank top clean?

i'm out the door and on my trek to work beginning with my stint at Wawa filling my Lilly Pulitzer travel mug with their deliciousness of cappucino flavors. not just one, but i mix a few together causing a bit of a mess down the side of my travel mug. it's all worth it for that mixed up flavor!

i arrive at work after an hour on cruise control. literally. my day begins as a marketing professional for a leading engineering firm in the parking industry. yes, there is a parking industry and it's quite exciting! ever watch "parking wars"? mm hmm, yea. think about it. parking is your first and last impression of every single place you go. yep! so i sip my wawa capp while i dive into emails and get excited about my weekend ahead.

i am seriously so in love with my awesome friends and the thought of seeing 3 of them this weekend really excites me! i get butterflies while making plans with my girlfriends. is that normal? they are just so amazing to me. so i confirm a little trek to the city tomorrow night that's a bit of a surprise so i can't speak of it on a public blog for my thousands of readers to read!

saturday morning kicks off with a shopping date with my love, alexandra fanucci. (no i'm not a lesbian, but i'm truly in love with all my girlfriends because they rock. so they're all my loves.) we are meeting at the KOP mall at 10am for stores to open. why? because the sales are INSANE, especially in our favorite store Lilly Pulitzer. then we'll make a trek out to the outlets in Limerick for dirt cheap after Christmas prices on our favorite accesories and fashion!

saturday afternoon brings me to a basketball game at my good ol alma mater, Eastern University. Rachel and i MIGHT just be the biggest EU basketball fans the school has ever seen, but that's debatable. we will cheer on the Eastern Eagles before getting all fancied up for an evening of dinner and drinks on the mainline with our friend Tanya.

but FIRST tonight - it's off for a sushi date with my girlfriend Janine and her fabulous friends. can't wait for an evening of SUSHI and drinks with the ladies. perfect start to friday tomorrow. and a mini snow storm in the morning!

just another fabulous weekend in the life of adrienne marie. happy to be alive and loving life right now - and that's just a little piece of me! so much to live for.

i'm telling you, Bravo really needs to start filming the Real Housewives of the Mainline. and they need to begin with my circle of friends! although most of us aren't "housewives" per se, but young working professionals :)

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