Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the Flood

so i generally carry a bottle of spring water everywhere i go. hence my last blog entry. i often carry it around in my purse. no big deal. i have huge purses.

last night we had the grand idea to go to Christopher's - our favorite neighborhood spot in Wayne - after our cheerleading meeting to discuss some "cheer business". the girls had to vote on captains for next year at our meeting and i had all the slips of paper in my purse. upon arriving at Christopher's, i went to retrieve the papers out of my purse and wondered why they were wet. (now, it WAS raining outside pretty hard. but they were inside my purse.)

well, it was because the next great FLOOD had occurred INSIDE my purse. i was carrying around the contents of an entire FULL water bottle sloshing around with all my accessories. iPod, digital camera, iPhone, checkbook, planner which is my life of social calendar events, make up. EVERYTHING was in an inch of water. good thing the leather purse really retained that water and didn't leak anything, just let it all absorb inside my electronics! ughhhhh.

these things just don't happen to me! haha. so i continued emptying the contents of my purse all over our table and blotting incessantly with paper towels. wringing out my iPod socks. throwing away disintegrated tissues. what fun.

surprisingly - everything WORKS today!! so happy for hair dryers at rachel's house :)

lesson learned - don't tote water bottles in your large hand bag.

1 comment:

  1. okay i had the exact same thing happen to me last year! fortunately my phone was in a side pocket and survived but i had this electronic CPR prompter on a lanyard that i have to carry around at work and it got busted. The funny thing is that it kept saying "remain calm" over and over again because that is the first thing it says when you push the on button. NO I WILL NOT BE CALM WHEN THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF MY PURSE IS A FREAKING FLOOD hahaha. I had to take the battery out to get it to shut up! Never got it to work again. The only casualty so i was lucky too!
